Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finally it has a name.

This little beauty I have had for years (it reseeds itself) but I could not find its name. And finally with the help of some great minds it is not just "A Tiny Blue Flower" but 'Ionopsidium acaule' or "Violet Cress"! Ionopsidium acaule is a little species native to Portugal and Morocco. :)


Arlene said...

This is such a pretty flower. I have not found a lot about it.

Malgorzata said...

Yes, it is a sweet tiny beauty Arlene. An masse it gives effect of a very nice blue carpet and it fills the spots that other plants would never take. It is that tiny! ;) Here the seeds already germinated around New Year and the little babies (some of them ) have already first two-three blooms! By March I will have a carpet. :-)) The flowers won't survive my hot and humid summers and will disappear when the heat hits. To sum up, this is most lovely first "spring" flower in my garden. Also great in pots. :)