Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fen Zhuang Lou 粉粧桜

China Rose Fen Zhuang Lou (粉粧桜, フェンツァンロ) still going strong in December.


Clayton said...

Lovely pictures as always Mal!

Especially nice for me to see as we are in the winter frozen and snowy!

One little C. cirrhosa is growing in my aquarium and I will need to prune it soon!

Malgorzata said...

Thank you Clayton! :) But the elements get to flowers day by day... :( I will need to prune everything and clean the garden between now and by the second week of February. We do not have very "visible" dormant state in plants here; yet they do need their rest. Old calendar spring traditionally starts here sometime in February (for me the coldest month!). Need to hurry with pruning and spraying.

Clayton, I wonder about the need to prune C.cirrhosa... I know you have to do that but then how can you enjoy the first flowers? It is G1 Clematis...

Clayton said...

Well Malgorzata I just got back here and read your note. I am thinking I can prune down and cause it to side shoot and that way keep it shorter. Not sure but at this point not sure what else to do. It is nearly to the top of the terrarium already! It would sure be fun if it bloomed in the terrarium.

We have a lot of snow and cold these days so hard to think of being a plant outside.

Malgorzata said...

Hello Clayton! Have you subscribed to mail notifications? They can be very handy.
Cirrhosa blooms on old wood so if you cut the vine before it has a chance to mature there is a little possibility of seeing a bloom...it will give you more green vines for sure thou. I don't know if there is a chance to see any blooms the first season. Can you try to redirect the vine down? I warned you that C. Cirrhosa was Jack's bean in disguise! ;) Cirrhosa can get quite big in the garden! Almost like C.montana plat! I love your idea of growing Clematis in terrarium, Clayton. Looks awesome! Something what one needs during winters like yours! May be more compact plants for the next time? ;)