the sky is blue and there is a hiding violet blooming with Fen Zhang Lou. Sweet Alyssum is going strong here and there. And "Pat Austin" has a gorgeous looking bud! But it is cold,cold,cold!
So who or what is Fen Zhang Lou? Sounds intriguing.
Fen Zhang Lou? ;) An awesome Chinese rose Mara. In a pot. I have had it for about 6 years and the first year I was constantly fighting with powdered mildew on it (it came infected) and actually trying to keep it alive. In the second (or was it third?) year Fen Zhang Lou took off and it blooms 12 months a year if I let it. The only drawback: FZL can not stay rain.
"Not available in this part of the world as far as I know." I am not 100% sure Mara but I believe this China is not very hardy. But it is a beauty (not exactly at this moment!) and worth growing in the pot. Copy and past the name in Kanji or Katakana and you will find it very popular here. 粉粧楼(フェンツァンロ)It is written in Roman letters in many different ways so finding it on Western sites may be a problem.
So who or what is Fen Zhang Lou? Sounds intriguing.
Fen Zhang Lou? ;) An awesome Chinese rose Mara. In a pot. I have had it for about 6 years and the first year I was constantly fighting with powdered mildew on it (it came infected) and actually trying to keep it alive. In the second (or was it third?) year Fen Zhang Lou took off and it blooms 12 months a year if I let it. The only drawback: FZL can not stay rain.
I think I remember now, and I think I've read about it, too. Not available in this part of the world as far as I know. :(
"Not available in this part of the world as far as I know." I am not 100% sure Mara but I believe this China is not very hardy. But it is a beauty (not exactly at this moment!) and worth growing in the pot. Copy and past the name in Kanji or Katakana and you will find it very popular here. 粉粧楼(フェンツァンロ)It is written in Roman letters in many different ways so finding it on Western sites may be a problem.
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